Urgent Appeal: Supporting Gaza's Children and Families in the Face of Crisis

Dear fellow humanitarians,

As the situation in Gaza continues to deteriorate, we are compelled to act with urgency to address the critical needs of the most vulnerable populations. The recent escalation of violence has left countless innocent lives in shambles, with children bearing the heaviest burden of this devastation. With major international donors scaling back their contributions, it is imperative that we fill the gap with local NGOs working on the ground in Gaza.

The Crisis Unfolds

- Over 32,000 Palestinian lives, mostly women and children, have been tragically lost in the recent escalation of violence in Gaza.
- Hospitals are severely disrupted, with 155 health facilities damaged and 32 hospitals and 53 health centers rendered non-functional.
- Malnutrition and child fatalities from starvation are rampant, with reports of children dying of malnutrition at the Kamal Adwan Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip.
- The entire population of 2.23 million people in the Gaza Strip faces high levels of acute food insecurity, with famine imminent for half of the population.

Our Response

Action For Humanity is committed to providing critical emergency aid, life-saving sustenance, and urgent medical care to those in desperate need. Our team on the ground in Gaza is working tirelessly to ensure the safe delivery of aid to those affected by the crisis.

Your Support Matters

Your donation today will make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need. Here are some ways your contribution can help:

£50** can provide hot meals or food packs to families in Gaza.
£100** can provide emergency first aid items and medicine to 40 people.
£150** can support a family with food, water, medicine, and financial aid for a month.
£420** can support an orphan for a full year.
£1,000** can provide access to clean water for over 500 individuals in Gaza.
£1,800** can offer financial aid to sustain a family for an entire year.
£5,000** can supply vital medical supplies to a hospital in Gaza.

**Donate Now**

Please act now to make a difference in the lives of those affected by this crisis. Your contribution, regardless of the amount, will help us deliver critical aid to those in need.

Donate via BitCoin: bc1q89p28qr0ydqrfdd7v3pdnk6uq2gasd0gdtr72u

Together, we can make a difference and bring hope to those in the midst of this devastating crisis.

Thank you for your support.

Action For Humanity

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